Friday, May 9, 2008

What Is an Essential Fatty Acid?

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are involved in oxygen transport, energy storage, cell membrane integrity, intercellular communication and the control of inflammation. There are two kinds of EFAs, the omega-3 fatty acids (O-3 FAs) and the omega-6 fatty acids (O-6 FAs). The o-6 FA promotes inflammation and blood clotting that helps our body to heal itself. The o-3 FA facilitates anti-inflammatory action and blood thinning. Both groups of fatty acids compete for the same limited supply of enzymes.

Diets with high O-6 FAs/O-3FAs ratios will diminish the effectiveness of the O-3s dependent processes, leading to an overabundance of O-6 in the body. Therefore, keeping the ratio balanced is extremely important. The average ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 16 to 1. This means that most North Americans have an overabundance of O-6 FAs in their diets. When the ratio is unbalanced, the excess O-6 FAs may result in chronic disease states.

Consequently, we should concentrate on maintaining a balance between these two very important EFAs. The best to obtain EFAs is from a food source because the body will not synthesize these fatty acids on its own. O-3 FAs are commonly found only in a few foods including selected seeds (flax) and nuts as well as fish. O-6 FAs are found from cereal grains, most processed foods, meat, milk, eggs and some vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower and sesame. Eating as much wild fish such as salmon, as possible to help us increase our O-3FAs is advisable. Farmed salmon has too much mercury, which can result in neurotoxicity or poisoning of organs and systems such as the liver and the gastrointestinal tract

Children and pregnant women have to be especially careful with mercury contamination. The best way is for everyone to supplement every day. Flaxseed ground, oil or capsules are very beneficial sources of O-3FAs that should be added to your daily diet. We need EFAs and a balanced ratio of them for our bodies to run effectively.

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