Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What Will Mom Need Nutritionally Following the Birth?

When a new mother is breastfeeding, she needs more calories. She must really make an effort to eat properly and enough to make her milk and to sustain her. She is still eating for two, but now she is a milk machine as well, which requires energy and nutrition to make breast milk.

I recommend that moms keep on their supplements and also take an essential fatty acid product that includes DHA. DHA is a fatty acid usually in fish, but there are vegetarian brands available that include other essential fatty acids. Formula companies are now including this essential fatty acid in their formulas. DHA is very important because it helps the integrity of the baby’s cerebral cortex. It also will help mom too, because the fatty acids will help her nervous system and she will make more milk. She might even lose her “baby fat” as a nice side effect.

Fresh is always the word. Try not to eat greasy, spicy foods. Your baby will let you know. If there is a reaction, it will last three to five days until it is out of everyone’s system. Sometimes raw onions or too much garlic will irritate the baby. Dairy products are known to cause colic in some babies due to the casein protein in the milk. But if mom eats a sort of plain food, with fresh in mind, the baby should be very happy. You might want to take extra B vitamins (B Long by Montiff) after the birth and while breastfeeding and eat more protein (try the Raw Foods Thor Vegan Protein Powder or the Pea protein powder, chocolate flavor. For more nutrients check out Essential Nutrients).

Besides nutrition, sleep is essential like resting and napping initially after giving birth. Moms can lay with their babies and breastfeed them lying down in bed during naps or at night.

Remember that breastfeeding takes time. It is an art. So if you need help go to the experts. Look at Breastfeeding or check out La Leche League. Most of them are trained mothers who help others master the art of breastfeeding worldwide.

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Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind providing nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of pregnancy and improving the outcomes of her and her unborn baby. The site also addresses issues related to newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.


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