Could you or your child be suffering from dehydration?
Most of us have heard of Gatorade. This is a drink that contains electrolytes for hydrating the body, but it also contains a lot of sugar and chemicals. This is not the best choice in choosing an electrolyte drink.
If an infant is having diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration can be fatal. For these babies there is Pedialyte which can be found in any grocery store. But, for toddlers, children, adults and pregnant women, there is a fabulous drink that is lemon flavored. It has the electrolytes needed for hydration along with the glyconutrient complex and medium chain triglycerides.
One time, one of the mothers had a car accident, at 7 months pregnant. She was put on a fetal monitor for 20 minutes to track the baby and the baby’s heart rate. The baby’s heart rate was low, and within seconds after she sipped this electrolyte mixture with the glyconutrients, mentioned here, the baby’s heart rate improved to a normal rate. We saw it register on tape!!
We have choices, and when a woman is pregnant we want the products that work. This one works for hydration, as well as in labor and delivery.
So now with the heat coming, we will be perspiring and that will dehydrate us. Fatigue will be your first clue. So taking a drink of this, every day, along with your water, sipping the water all day, will help you feel better, keep the liver clean and keep you hydrated.
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