Monday, February 18, 2008


One of the most popular questions and concerns asked on our “Ask Dr. Vicky” questionnaire on , was about infertility. When we look at infertility, what we are really looking at is Preconception. Fertility is something that happens on the cellular level. The sperm will meet the egg and if all conditions and communication lines are up, one sperm will fertilize the egg. There are billions of sperm released but as we know, only one sperm will get to the female ovum or egg. This is truly a miracle in itself. So many couples today suffer from infertility. There could be many factors affecting this, such as pesticides in our air, water, and food chain, but I always like to look at the parts first. If the couple is experiencing problems, both the woman and man should get an exam to see that their “plumbing” is working. We want all the parts there, working properly with no obstructions. Many times women will have blocked fallopian tubes or cystic ovaries or a multitude of other things that could hinder the egg from becoming fertilized.

Men should have their sperm count and motility checked. Glycoproteins must be incorporated in the diet next by both partners. According to Harper’s Biochemistry Textbook, Chapter 56, 24th Edition, the sperm cannot find the egg without these nutrients. The glycoproteins must come from our diets and they are molecules that sit on the surface of all living cells. If there is a problem with sperm count, the man will need L-arginine. This amino acid must be present in the diet, and balanced with the other essential amino acids, for the sperm count to rise. A good supplement is Montiff’s, All Basic Amino Acids. When men with low sperm count take this amino acid blend containing the L-Arginine, he should see an increase in the sperm count. In addition to that, he needs zinc and Vitamin E. I would recommend sunflower seeds and possibly a zinc supplement and vitamin E supplement. At least 5 months should be allowed to see an increase, although it may happen a lot sooner.

Women, also, could benefit from All Basic Amino Acids. If a woman is vegetarian, stressed, and not eating well, she might want to supplement the aminos to help to supply the protein part of the glycoprotein molecule. They could help her build up the richness of her blood, and “beef” it up to get ready to build her baby. Women who have had multiple miscarriages would be the perfect candidates for additional amino acids to their regimen.The next requirement with the diet is to supply the glyconutrients, or the glycol- portion of the glycoprotein molecule. This can be supplied through a supplement involving a combination of all the essential glyconutrients and/or their precursors. These are really what are lost in our everyday diets. We can get the amino acids by eating proteins, but the glyconutrients are from foods we don’t see in our food chains anymore. These nutrients alone have been shown to dramatically increase the communication lines and help the sperm recognize the egg. With these bases covered, the chances will be much improved for fertilization.

What if the sperm count is good, but the motility is not? Well, this just means that the man is dehydrated. The electrolyte drink with the medium chain triglycerides and glyconutrient blend is a fabulous drink to immediately increase hydration in the body. Of course, one must drink water as well, but this drink is the best recommendation I can give to help the motility of the sperm. 1-2 servings a day of this drink will do wonders, and you can put it in a 12 oz water bottle and add your glyconutrient complex to it as well and you are ready to go.

One other important factor for both partners is to make time for a baby. Many couples work many hours and are running around, only to flop down at night to eat something really quickly and go to bed. There must be down time and “space” created for the devotion of a child. The stress levels must be reduced and a priority must be made to create time for relaxation and healing. In my experience, fertility will never happen without this. This is why many couples conceive on vacations. They have let their guard down and are relaxing. The body is ready to receive when this state of being is accomplished.

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Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind that provides the nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of the woman during pregnancy and improving the outcomes of she and her unborn baby. The site also addresses newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for your post, very well explained about Essential Nutrients

Stacey Sharp
Pro argi 9

June 21, 2011 at 2:00 AM  

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