Monday, May 19, 2008

How to Stay Fit during Pregnancy

Many women are concerned about keeping fit during pregnancy. So what can a mother do about staying fit, and what must she do to prevent tremendous weight gain? It is important that we understand what diet and exercise might do to help carry women through their pregnancies.

First off in pregnancy, mothers-to-be must understand which foods are will be good for them. Compliance during pregnancy can be better for a woman than when she is not pregnant; although when cravings are present, pregnant women are known to be non-compliant. Knowing what to eat and what not to eat is the key to managing weight gain. By no means should a pregnant woman partake in a diet such as the Beverly Hills diet, Grapefruit diet, Atkins or Pritikin to lose weight. Pregnancy is not the time to be on a weight loss plan. It is a time to eat the most nutritious foods possible to help to feed both mother and baby.

It might be easier to make a list the foods that are not advised during pregnancy such as sugar and sugary foods, dairy products (cow milk and cheese), white flour and breads, processed grains, chips, sodas, fried foods, fast foods, frozen processed foods, artificial dyes and artificial sugars (Splenda, aspartame, Nutrasweet, ascuflame). These are the foods that can cause extra fat beyond the normal 25 or 30 pound weight gain.

The most common question is that if pregnant women should not eat dairy, how can the get a sufficient amount of calcium? The answer is to eat green leafy veggies, sesame seeds, and to take extra vitamins like A to B CALM (get a discount by clicking on the flag on the Essential Nutrients page). For over 23 years, I have seen nothing but great results with this product, which is why I consider it one of the many mandatory supplements a woman should take during pregnancy.

Dairy will make you fat, end of story. Cow milk is for cows, not for humans. Cows often grow to huge beasts, which is what will happen to a pregnant woman if she eats a lot of dairy. Milk and cheese have antibiotics, pus, and cow hormones. These most certainly do not do a body good! Milk, including organic milk is not a clean food for pregnancy! Go to Not Milk to see what cows are really being fed.

Next on the do not eat list is sugar. It is nothing but trouble. PERIOD! Sugar will cause a pregnant woman to quickly accumulate unnecessary fat. Wherever sugar goes, water follows. Therefore, pregnant women who insist on eating sugar will see lots of edema, or swelling. This is not good, because it could invite not only tremendous weight gain for mother and baby and gestational diabetes, but also pre-eclampsia (edema, hypertension and protein in the urine). This can be a serious situation all because of sugar. That is not worth it ladies.

Eating out too often and eating fast foods is also a problem, because we don’t know what is in the foods served or where they got them. Staying home and eating clean, organic foods is the best way to maintain your health and stay fir during pregnancy.

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Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind providing nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of pregnancy and improving the outcomes of her and her unborn baby. The site also addresses issues related to newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.


Blogger Unknown said...

At that time, we have our baby grow in our womb. Not only physical closeness, pregnancy is also giving us emotional closeness with our baby.

P90X Workout Program

February 1, 2011 at 4:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Personally, also during my pregnancy, I've stayed fit with the help of some Toronto martial arts classes held by Bamboo Kung fu School. They were really useful and I've learned so many interesting techniques and I've also met new and great persons.
It's a fun and great activity and deserves to be mention. :)

February 28, 2013 at 12:15 AM  

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