Monday, June 4, 2007

ABC 20/20 Rebuttal: And Now the Rest of the Story!

There was a piece shown on ABC network's 20/20 last Friday night. It was about glyconutrients talking about the fact that it is a sugar pill, and that it cures disease. As displayed on our website,, I recommend glyconutrients for pregnancy as a supplement to improve outcomes of the mother and the baby. I have 11 years of experience with glyconutrients and the incredible benefits that have been noted and documented with clinical experience. So much so, that it is mandatory for all my pregnant patients. These nutrients are so incredible that we would rather deliver pregnant women who are on them rather than not. Therefore, it has been clinically proven that it is safer for the mother and baby to be delivered if the mother is on glyconutrients in the pregnancy.

Recovery time, which is very important is reduced to the bare minimum if at least in the last trimester pregnant women add the glyconutrients to the diet. Mothers have their babies and then have to immediately get to work to take care of this helpless newborn. Feeding every 2 hours, diapering, caring for the cord, watching and nurturing, getting up to breastfeed in the middle of the night getting only a few hours of interrupted sleep... This is only a partial list of the mother’s immediate duties. Not to mention taking care of herself, the father and her other children if it applies. What a deal for the mother. She comes away from a marathon running another 18 year marathon! Needless to say, recovery is extremely important for the health of the baby and the entire family.

Now it stands to reason that in pregnancy there is really nothing to "cure". In fact, during pregnancy, the mother will be able to make her own “sugars”, as if she were starving or as an emergency mechanism, because according to science, she can’t and doesn’t eat them in her diet. Mother nature has the ability to make the sugars or glyconutrients, but at the mother’s expense.

In pregnancy we are building a baby and prevention is the key. We want to prevent infections, gestational diabetes, hypertension, yes and cancers, which might occur in pregnancy, such as breast cancers. Do these nutrients "cure" these disease and conditions? NO!! We are simply supplementing food, from God, that was put on this planet for pregnant women to eat, which contain these essential "sugars" that we absolutely DO NOT get in our diets anymore. So to supplement a pregnant woman is the ultimate PREVENTION THERAPY. Since it is food, it is non-toxic at any level and safe in pregnancy. So after 11 years, and 1000's of mothers, I can safely say that adding these nutraceuticals to the diet, DO IMPROVE OUTCOMES OF MOTHER AND BABY.

By the way, for ABC Network journalists, they had a blatant spelling error!! NutrAceuticals not NutrOceuticals!! That is obvious ignorance of the very subject they reported on!


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