Friday, June 20, 2008

How to Help Your Kids When They Are Sick

Children get sick quite often. Some of the reasons are that they are exposed to other children who are sick. But when children are teething, which sometimes it seems they are teething their whole “baby” life, there are certain physiological things that happens which make kids very vulnerable to any germ, whether airborne or on the toys and things they touch.

Teething causes children to utilize all their calcium stores. When the teeth are erupting, the calcium gets used up and babies and kids are more likely to get colds and the drippy noses with fevers. Not only is teething very painful for the kids, but to have a cold on top of it, produces the recipe for a very unhappy baby or child. The answer to this problem is calcium and vitamin C.

If the baby is at least six months of age and eating solid foods, the newborn can take A to B Calm mixed in boiled water and added to diluted juice. I recommend diluting juice 1/4 juice and 3/4 fresh pure filtered water as juice is very concentrated and very sweet. Citrus and kiwi fruit is very high in vitamin C. Surprisingly, a juiced raw potato is the best source of vitamin C according to Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process Labs.

Dr. Lee also recommends giving children pearl barley water for fevers. You can make this at home by putting one cup of pearl barley into a glass quart bottle, fill it up with water and put it into the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Pour off the water, and give it to your kids to drink. This is something that will help fevers and can be given to children generously for teething, fevers and colds. It is an old time remedy that really works.

In addition to vitamin C, trace minerals are needed, especially for fevers. The best supplement for trace minerals would be the Children’s Chewable Vitamin and Mineral supplement with glyconutrients. These supply the necessary vitamins and trace minerals in a phytonutrient complex of 32 fruits and vegetables. This supplement should be used for children who have started eating solid foods until they are five to seven years old. Then, children can take half the adult vitamin and mineral with glyconutrients.

Unfortunately, we are all deficient in glyconutrients. So it is extremely important that we talk supplements. Make sure that you give your children and yourself supplements and vitamins that come from real food. By taking synthetic vitamins, we essentially are taking drugs. They are not the real thing and our bodies react to them as if they were a drug or chemical. If your sick child is already taking natural minerals, vitamins and glyconutrients, double and even triple the amounts until the child is over his or her distress. I recommend the classic glyconutrient complex.

I must emphasize that I do recommend that every child have a pediatrician. It is absolutely necessary for one to be involved in every child's healthcare. You should interview multiple pediatricians and pick the one who would work best with your family. The pediatrician should then have a chart on file that includes your child's medical history. Make sure that your children's pediatrician believes in the new paradigm way of thinking and understands and respects preventative measures as well as complementary and integrative medicine. Otherwise, your interest in utilizing nutrition for a healthier child will be dismissed, which can be very frustrating for parents who seek to practice health.

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Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind providing nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of pregnancy and improving the outcomes of her and her unborn baby. The site also addresses issues related to newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Supplementation Helps You Stay Fit and Healthy during Pregnancy

Staying fit and healthy during pregnancy depends on eating right and sleeping well as well as using supplements. If you are pregnant, take supplements! Glyconutrients, phytosterols and antioxidants with phytochemicals along with the multivitamin/mineral prenatal are key factors to staying fit during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These supplements are changing the world of medical science and help strengthen our immune systems and cell communication.

If this is not your first baby and you did not take these supplements before for the other pregnancies, you will notice a difference as many other ladies have. Over the last 11 years, the addition of these supplements to a healthy diet has greatly improved the outcomes in the child bearing practice, helping to reduce the risk of pregnancy-related illnesses and birth defects. It is of utmost importance to eat healthy, organic foods and minimize intake of processed foods, refined sugar and saturated fats. The body, when given the proper tools, will stay fit and healthy and heal itself faster and more efficiently because your body’s immune system and cell communication will be greatly improved from supplements.

Recovery after the baby is born can take up to two months or more. However, recovery is greatly enhanced by taking these supplements. Moms need to recover quickly from the physical strain of labor and delivery in order to be present for their families. Postpartum involves healing, breastfeeding, caring for the baby and getting back to a normal, non-pregnant lifestyle. Supplementing your diet with essential nutrients can help ease and even quicken recovery. Still, do not rush your body into recovery. Be sure to give yourself the care you need along with enough rest.

Join Dr. Vicky's Educational Forum and receive your weekly tips, monthly newsletters and conference calls. As a new member, you can also “ASK DR VICKY” an online question that may be included in your upcoming FREE teleconference call. Topic for this month is: “Pregnancy, Newborns & Pediatrics.”

Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind providing nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of pregnancy and improving the outcomes of her and her unborn baby. The site also addresses issues related to newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.