Preventing Post Partum Depression (PPD)
Last week, I wrote about DHA and how important it is for breastfeeding. Now there have been a couple of studies regarding the benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids for post partum depression (PPD). Post partum depression affects 10-15% of women after childbirth and is defined as a major depressive episode that begins within one month of delivery. PPD is often due to the rapid change of hormone levels that the mother experiences after giving birth. Estrogen and progesterone levels, which were at peak during pregnancy, drop suddenly back to normal after the child is born. However, with proper nutrition during and after pregnancy, side effects like post partum depression can be avoided.
One study from Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Jan 2006, vol 113, no1, pp 1-5, states that omega-3 fatty acids (o-3 FAs) support further study as a treatment for PPD. The results show that o-3 FAs are beneficial and well tolerated for women with PPD. The two active o-3 FAs, commonly found in fish oil, are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both of which help brain growth and function.
DHA has shown to have long-lasting beneficial effects for the fetus such as optimal neurodevelopment in utero and in infants, among other benefits for pregnancy and the mother. The drugs used to treat post-partum depression are associated with neonatal toxicity. Remember that whatever you put in your mouth goes to you and your baby even after birth through the breast milk. So if anti-depressants and other drugs could be avoided, it would be better for the baby and the mother. I recommend Nordic Natural Omega 3’s which has a balance of all the Omega’s including DHA and EPA.
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