Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Caesarean Sections: Breathing Risks and Your Baby

If you are planning to opt for caesarean birth, or c-section, you might want to think again. Elective caesarian births have increased worldwide, but can pose a risk to your baby’s respiration. Recent research done by Anne Hansen from Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark showed that c-section babies are four times more likely to have breathing problems. The majority of elective c-sections are being done in the 37th or 38th week of pregnancy, which poses a greater risk to the baby.

The research indicated that 10 percent of babies born by caesarean section during the 37th week experienced respiratory problems and only 2.8 percent of vaginally born babies during the same week had similar problems. During the 39th week, the ratio drops to 2.1 percent for caesarean infants and 1.1 percent for vaginally born infants. Babies with breathing problems are often placed in incubators and given oxygen treatment.

Hansen’s study did not explain why breathing risks increased for caesarean births, but some say that it is because of the hormonal and physiological changes in both the mother’s and baby’s bodies during labor. The mother releases stress hormones during labor that pass on to the fetus, which may be the determining factor for healthier infant breathing, helping to clear out the baby’s lungs.

Caesarean sections are meant to be for emergency or life-saving situations. If the baby is in crisis, which is in most cases determined by the fetal heart rate, an emergency c-section could save the lives of both mother and baby. A measurement of the pelivs or pelvimetry, could also determine the pelvic measurements are too small for the passage of the baby, and then a c-section would be appropriate. C-section should be a last resort choice for birth, but today the numbers for elective c-sections ire rising dramatically.

Many modern mothers choose to have c-sections over natural delivery because of past trauma with previous children or out of a fear of labor. Giving birth does not have to be a traumatic experience. The best way to eliminate the fear is to have an education. There are birthing classes available to help a couple learn what will be happening and prepare them for labor and delivery. When a mother takes care of her body and learns about giving birth, the fear will soon subside and she will be able to bear her children naturally, decreasing the infant’s chances of the respiratory problems that may occur with caesarean births.

Join Dr. Vicky's Educational Forum and receive your weekly tips, monthly newsletters and conference calls. As a new member, you can also “ASK DR VICKY” an online question that may be included in your upcoming FREE teleconference call. Topic for this month is: “Pregnancy, Newborns & Pediatrics.”

Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind providing nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of pregnancy and improving the outcomes of her and her unborn baby. The site also addresses issues related to newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Could you or your child be suffering from dehydration?

The #1 deficiency in this country is water. But, drinking water alone is not enough sometimes. Depending on where you live, what your work is, what your activities are, you may require more hydration. To achieve hydration we must have our electrolytes in balance.

Most of us have heard of Gatorade. This is a drink that contains electrolytes for hydrating the body, but it also contains a lot of sugar and chemicals. This is not the best choice in choosing an electrolyte drink.

If an infant is having diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration can be fatal. For these babies there is Pedialyte which can be found in any grocery store. But, for toddlers, children, adults and pregnant women, there is a fabulous drink that is lemon flavored. It has the electrolytes needed for hydration along with the glyconutrient complex and medium chain triglycerides.

One time, one of the mothers had a car accident, at 7 months pregnant. She was put on a fetal monitor for 20 minutes to track the baby and the baby’s heart rate. The baby’s heart rate was low, and within seconds after she sipped this electrolyte mixture with the glyconutrients, mentioned here, the baby’s heart rate improved to a normal rate. We saw it register on tape!!

We have choices, and when a woman is pregnant we want the products that work. This one works for hydration, as well as in labor and delivery.

So now with the heat coming, we will be perspiring and that will dehydrate us. Fatigue will be your first clue. So taking a drink of this, every day, along with your water, sipping the water all day, will help you feel better, keep the liver clean and keep you hydrated.

Join Dr. Vicky's Educational Forum and receive your weekly tips, monthly newsletters and conference calls. As a new member, you can also “ASK DR VICKY” an online question that may be included in your upcoming FREE teleconference call. Topic for this month is: “Pregnancy, Newborns & Pediatrics.”

Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind providing nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of pregnancy and improving the outcomes of her and her unborn baby. The site also addresses issues related to newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


One of the most common nutritional needs we hear about today is calcium and magnesium. We hear about these minerals with regards to bone densities and prevention in osteoporosis, and so many women are disciplined about making sure they get the calcium in their diets.

In pregnancy, calcium is very important, and the calcium/magnesium balance is even more important. Here are some of the symptoms that one will see when calcium and magnesium are low:

Chronic calcium deficiency can be identified with some forms of hypertension, prostate, colorectal cancer, some types of kidney stones, and miscarriage, birth and heart defects in children when the mother is deficient in calcium during pregnancy, menstrual and premenstrual problems, and cardiovascular as well as hemorrhagic stroke. In addition if this is not enough, chronic calcium deficiency is also associated with sleep disturbances, fatigue, muscle/joint pain, muscle spasms/cramps, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, dysmenorrhea (painful periods), rickets, birth defects, miscarriage, aneurysms, high stomach acid, higher risk for some cancers, periodontal diseases, and mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, and seizures.

Calcium will help for the blood protein fibrin which will aid in clotting. Clotting is very important in labor and delivery. And, did you know, if the mother is not getting enough calcium, her parathyroid glands will begin to react and start to pull the calcium out of her bone!!! That would not be a good situation for a pregnant woman. Calcium also will support and feed the perineal muscles to make them supple for dilation at delivery. Calcium will help to prevent and minimize stretch marks, although stretch marks tend to be more of a hereditary situation.

The balance and source of calcium/magnesium has to be bioavailable. The best source is A to B Calm. It is the only freeze dried source of calmag with vinegar to insure absorption. (See Essential Nutrients) This nutrient cannot be stressed enough in pregnancy. It is also helpful with children at bedtime to help build strong bones and teeth. And contrary to popular belief, cow’s milk does not do this! There is a lot of phosphorus which actually combines with the calcium and prevents it from being absorbed.

Join Dr. Vicky's Educational Forum and receive your weekly tips, monthly newsletters and conference calls. As a new member, you can also “ASK DR VICKY” an online question that may be included in your upcoming FREE teleconference call. Topic for this month is: “Pregnancy, Newborns & Pediatrics.”

Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind providing nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of pregnancy and improving the outcomes of her and her unborn baby. The site also addresses issues related to newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dangers Of Aspertame For Children

In the news recently, sodas have been the issue in schools. Our schools are not allowed to have any sodas available for kids that contain sugar now. But, what are they allowing our kids to drink? Good Question! Diet sodas and sodas with Splenda and Aspertame! YIKES! They are not ok for our kids, or for us for that matter! It is a good rule of thumb to avoid all artificial sugars. As Jackie says, “If God made it, eat it. If man made it, read it! And you should read about this.

By now, we all should understand the dangers of taking aspartame. Aspartame is made of chemicals and is literally poison for our bodies. It turns to formaldehyde at 88.6 degrees and our bodies are a temperature of 98.6 degrees. What’s wrong with this picture? Splenda is another artificial sugar that is being advertised as safe. It is not! Splenda is also known as sucralose. This is sucrose (sugar) that they have added chlorine, which is toxic. It has been tested in rats and has been found that their thymus glands had shrunk up to 40%. Your thymus gland is the important gland of your immune system. If you have heard of T-cells, these cells come from the thymus gland. In addition, these other adverse effects have been noted when taking sucralose (Splenda):

  1. Enlarged liver and kidneys.
  2. Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus
  3. Increased cecal weight (this is the part of the small intestine)
  4. Reduced growth rate
  5. Decreased red blood cell count
  6. Hyperplasia of the pelvis
  7. Extension of the pregnancy period
  8. Aborted pregnancy
  9. Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights
  10. Diarrhea

Artificial sugars should be avoided by everyone, but especially children, pregnant women and women who are lactating.

One thing more worth mentioning, is the aluminum and other metals in soda cans that can become dangerously embedded in the tissues such as the brain, which we find can be one of the things we look at with children with ADD/ADHD, ASPERGERS, AUTISM and other learning disabilities. Aluminum has been shown to be one of the contributing factors to Alzheimer’s as well; also, low and abnormal sperm in men. For oral chelation products, please see Essential Nutrients under Extreme Health Products.

Join Dr. Vicky's Educational Forum and receive your weekly tips, monthly newsletters and conference calls. As a new member, you can also “ASK DR VICKY” an online question that may be included in your upcoming FREE teleconference call. Topic for this month is: “Pregnancy, Newborns & Pediatrics.”

Healthy Answers Online is one of the only websites of its kind providing nutritional secrets, suggestions and the latest information and technology available to maximize health and eliminate the common discomforts of pregnancy and improving the outcomes of her and her unborn baby. The site also addresses issues related to newborns, babies, kids, children, parents, fertility, labor and delivery, post-partum and breast feeding.